- Added new Justice morphs! -- Skeleton makes all skeleton variations neutral to you. Villagers will not trade with you, and wolves come at you. Has Wither and Stray varients. -- Villager makes villagers have a fixed (positive) trade rate with you, prevents golems from attacking, and prevents reputation changing in general. -- The villager disguise is based on biomes, as well as nearby villagers for professions. So collecting villagers sort of gives you a morph collection. -- The Stray skin has Eerie (Herobrine) varient. -- OVA skin of Justice has enya disguise in place of villager (functions the same), and this sort of model change will be the basis for other visages! -- Morphing now has unique SFX and visuals, and some of the morphs themselves make different hurt/step noises
- Added new mob, spawnable via creative commands only, OVA Enya. All visages will require registering entities for model changes so expect Jojo mobs in the game as creative only spawns. They are called Jojo NPCS, and currently use a spinoff of villager ai that lacks code for trading, breeding, and working. Thus, they will pick meeting spots, go indoors at night, and sleep. While this is how they currently function, in the future they will also get their respective stands.
- Updated translations
- Fixed villager morph crashing bug (it wasn't even implemented at the time)
- Morphs now poof when you hit their respective mob type
- Morphs now also poof when you switch stands Hope you enjoy! :yuigoggles:
Roundabout-forge-1.20.1-0.3.7.jar(6.72 MiB) Primary
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