- Compatible with Cobblemon 1.4.0!
- Spawn condition edited due to Cobblemon update
- Added swim and float animation for volparin
- Added sleep and blink animation for hissilly, hissicobra and coracondra
- Now you can choose Alatia's starters when you start a new world! (Follow the instruction to how do it)
- Added blink, sleep and swim animation for most of the fakemon
- Modified some animation that I didn't like so much
- Now you can shoulder mount small fakemon, like the starters
- Balanced some spawnrates that are too easy/hard
- Fixed some Z fighting
Introduced 9 new fakemon:
- Sounoir - Flying/Normal - Found in forests, only day
- Sonayre - Flying/Normal
- Ballearia - Flying/Normal
- Hissilly - Poison/Water - Found on reefs (warm ocean)
- Hissicobra - Poison/Water
- Coracondra - Poison/Water
- Silwaddle - Bug/Dark - Found only night
- Silkloon - Bug/Dark
- Weavanny - Bug/Dark
Other additions:
- Added shiny form for every fakemon
- Fixed Z fighting for some textures
- Reduced the spawnrate for pumett, flamble and dolwashi