Just a port for 1.21.2 and .3
Water Basement Changes:
- Redesigned the pool section
- Added a new variation of the pool rooms (making the total 5 )
- Changed the reward piles to fit in more and not be so overpowered
- Added 3 new variants of the rewards (making the total 6 )
Lever Puzzle Basement Changes:
- Redesigned the reward rooms to have more loot and look better
- Added a new variant of the reward room (making the total 5 )
Added a new basement type: Trapped Basement
- 4 different main rooms containing different challanges like traps, parkour, mazes or mob rooms
- 5 different deco hallways (just to fill in the empty space)
- 4 different reward rooms
Fixed the redstone part sometimes breaking
Fixed buggy water in pool basements