- 1.21.2 - 1.21.4 support
- Copper and Iron Door recipes (now give 2)
- Glass Bottle recipe
- Dropper recipe
- Dispenser recipe
- Observer recipe
- End Crystal recipe
- Blue Crystal Dye made from Lapis Lazuli
- Cyan Crystal Dye made from Prismarine Crystals
- Crimson Roots to Red Dye
- Warped Roots to Cyan Dye
- Spore Blossom to Magenta Dye
- Armadillo Scute to Brown Dye
- Turtle Scute to Green Dye
- Pitcher Pod to Brown Dye
- Glow Lichen to Gray Dye
- Chorus Fruit to Purple Dye
- Saplings smoked or roasted to Dead Bushes
- Grass and Ferns combined with Bone Meal to tall variants
- Bamboo Block uncompressing
- Rabbit Foot recycling to Rabbit Hide
- Recipes containing multiple blocks being recolored/combined with a dye now cut by half
- Allium now gives Purple Dye
- White Tulip now gives White Dye
- All carpet recipes now give 8
- Entire Bamboo Planks recipe now needs and gives 4x
- Flint and Steel recipe
- All Trapdoor recipes now give more
- Copper Trapdoor recipe now is the same as Iron Trapdoor recipe
- Cloth texture adjusted a bit
- Paper recipe from Wood and Water now gives 4
- Crystal Dye textures made by YediKeq
- Nautilus Shell to Bone Meal recipe (Suggested by tuopi27)
- Sherd to Brick recycling
- Dough and Cloth textures (Made by YediKeq, huge thanks!)
- Bottle o' Enchanting recipe (now gives 2)
- Barrel recipe
- Pumpkin Pie recipe
- Pitcher Plant to dye (now gives Purple Dye)
- Rail recipe
- Powered Rail recipe
- Detector Rail recipe
- Activator Rail recipe