Fixed wrong name for Upgrade Template
This update renamed the mod identifier. This will brake existing config files. Either delete your old config or change reference to "better-enchanting:" to "betterenchanting:" Added Upgrade Smithing Template for Iron and Diamond.
Fixed wrong name for Essense of Projectile Protection
Fixed recipe bug with servers (thanks to Haky00). Added Brazilian translation (thanks to Landrozaum).
Fix wrong version beeing uploaded.
Start of balancing for the mod. Trader now might offers essence and Master and Exper tiers only and i removes somes ot the trades offer that where a little to op. Heart of the sea is still a buyable item, beacause it's not a renewable one otherwise and won't be faire on lage servers.
I've started to tweak some recipe for essences, but keep in minf that the goal IS to make them diifcult. Or more precisly, to force to progress to mid-to-late game to be able to craft them.
I sadly cannot remove them totaly from librarian trade, as i fell it would make them useless. But again, librarian are one of the major problem of Minecraft enchanting mechanics.
Added enchantability to the cost calculation of levels.
Slightly upped the cost of enchanting the more enchantments are present on an item, to get closer to Vanilla mechanics.
Add recipes for every essences. The mod is now fully playable in survival. Their is propably a lot of balancing to do ... We'll see.
Bug fixes :
- Ingredient string in enchanting table not being computed
- Enchanting ingredient was free due to an ofersight
Added all enchanting essences. Recipes of each one is next, as of now, it's only possible to loot them or trade then with a merchant.
Added some more essence for hight tiers enchantments and full config for non-max tiers enchants. The list is subjected to a lot of changes and balancing.
Added all loot table modification. Level 30 book is replace with item on the essence tag and random enchanted book are replaced with item on the essence tag AND in the enchantment ingredient tag, providing less hight tier drop overall.
Playable proof of concept of the mod. Need polishing and some finishing touches.