fixed versioning
- 4.0.0+ only required on the server
- Added ability to add all mobs by mod id
- Added Mob Groups
Mob Groups are used to allow/prevent despawning of specific mobs. These groups can be either set manually by the player, or left blank, in which case their group is based on their internal mob category.
- Removed Blacklist config option
Mob Groups take the funtion of this now.
- Removed Better Sleep Checking
It is now it's own seperate mod: Let Me Sleep
- Built-in blacklist can now be modified using datapacks
- Tons of backend changes
- Fixed crash on death
- Fixed versioning
- Fixed continue sleep check
- Fixed versioning
Port to 1.21/neoforge
1.21+ only required on server.
Complete rewrite for 1.20+
- Mobs with custom inventories/equipment will now drop said items when despawned
- Added the following config options:
- Turn list into a blacklist
- Latest time player can sleep to allow despawning
- Enable/disable monster check when attempting sleep
- Enable/disable better monster check
- Improved compatibility with mods like Hourglass
- Added compatibility with Sleep Tight's Bedbugs
By default, Bedbugs no longer despawn when waking up.
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