As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Fix config changes not always taking effect, Closes CyclopsMC/EverlastingAbilities#211
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Optimize containment checks in IngredientCollectionPrototypeMap This fixes performance issues such as CyclopsMC/IntegratedTerminals#94
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Add pt_br.json
- Fix fluids having no localized names Closes CyclopsMC/EvilCraft#950
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Update to MC 1.19.2
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Add transformable shaped and shapeless recipe serializers Required for CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#1189
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Add transformable shaped and shapeless recipe serializers Required for CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#1189
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Update to Forge 41.0.99
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Restore Structure configs
- Use RandomSource in ParticleDropBlockComponent
- Use RandomSource in WeightedItemStack
- Update to new FluidTypes
- Register recipe types to forge registry
- Use RandomSource in models
- Increase timeout limit of dev world discovery
- Fix fluid tanks not resetting color after render
- Fix recipe type interaction issues
- Fix ID Energy Battery causing overflows Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#1179
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Fix ID Energy Battery causing overflows Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#1179
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Make player extended iterator more extensible This also adds default support for Baubles and Curios iteration. Required for CyclopsMC/IntegratedTerminals#79
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Add multiplySafe helper