- 修复箱子连接性问题
- Fixed chest connectivity issues
Refactored code
Optimized the logic for interacting with boxes within a projection (need to turn on allow interaction in the projection configuration)
我对低版本无能为力/I can't do anything about the lower version
忘了低版本没合成器,暂时删除了合成器相关代码 修复对铁活板门操作的bug
Fixes low version reporting errors(The crafterBlock code was removed) Fixed a bug with the operation of the iron_trapdoor
Make Easy Placement correctly place the number of turtle eggs, sea pickles. Make easy placement of synthesizer with disabled slots the same as in Litematica
lever powered state
- 确保门被轻松放置时的左右正确
- Make the door's left and right properties correct when placed in EasyPlace
- 按钮,床,头颅,单个铁轨
- Button, bed, skull, single rails
- 在通用设置开启允许交互后,不需要空手也可以交互容器
- 修复loosenMode不会操作库存的bug
- 修复投影会尝试对实体放置方块的bug
- When you turn on Allow Interaction in the General Settings, you don't need to be empty-handed to interact with containers.
- Fix bug where loosenMode won't manipulate inventory
- Fix bug where Litematica would try to place block against entities
- (config.generic)增加空手交互的功能
- (config.generic)EasyPlace will allow interaction while empty-handed
- 修复低版本进不去游戏的问题
- 修复铁链水平朝向
- Fixes low version reporting errors
- Repairing the horizontal orientation of the chain
Completely fix the bug of misplacing cubes with face attribute.\
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
- 修复拉杆水平朝向不正确的bug
- 在投影通用配置项增加新功能(使轻松放置取出选择物品时能够忽视该物品的NBT)
- 优化
- Fix the horizontal facing Lever
- Add new functionality to the projection general configuration (enable easyPlace to ignore the NBT of an item when taking out the selected item).
- optimize
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
Fixed null pointer exception/修复空指针异常
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
修复合成器放置错误的bug/crafter fix
在投影配置界面新增loosenMode,在背包内对应物品不足的情况下,使用变种进行替换(使轻松放置对活板门/石墙/珊瑚扇/栅栏门的材质更加宽容) /Add a new loosenMode to the projection configuration screen to use a variant to replace the corresponding item in the backpack if it is insufficient.(Makes easyPlace more compatible with different variant for live panel trapdoor/stone_wall/coral_fan/fence gates)
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
修复活板门和半砖无法正确放置的bug/slab fix
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
1.向下兼容到java17 2.更改放置铁轨时错误的参数
- Backward compatible to java17
- Change incorrect parameters when placing rails
单个铁轨的朝向修复/rail_shape fix
修复在放置一个有朝向的方块之后,放置无朝向属性但是会受到朝向影响的方块(如火把)时会导致放置错误的问题 Fixed a bug that caused placement errors when placing non-oriented blocks (e.g. torches) that are affected by orientation after placing an oriented block (隐性bug终于修复了)