Ender IO - 6.0.6-alpha
on Jul 24, 20236.0.6-alpha - 2023-07-24
- Recipes for the capacitor banks.
- IO config widget insets to support non-standard gui shapes.
- You can now repaint painted blocks in the painting machine!
- Added tooltips to Conduit round-robin and self feed buttons
- You can now right click on a machine to insert a capacitor.
- Recipe for the painting machine.
- The Enderman Head block, can be acquired using The Ender.
- Added recipe for the ender resonator.
- Added recipes for SAG Milling stone to cobblestone and gravel to sand.
- Added recipe for SAG Milling copper ore into powder.
- Added recipes to smelt vanilla powders into ingots.
- Added support for NBT on outputs for alloy smelting.
- Gave CheckBox widgets the ability to have tooltips
- Conduits backend and API received some tweaks and cleaning ready for some new functionality.
- Recipe locking is now more intelligent and should result in less friction for players.
- Fixed Soul Binder tooltip when IOConfig is open.
- Properly fixed bucketed fuel in the primitive alloy smelter.
- Fix keepInventory gamerule not being respected properly.
- Remove some old item capability logic, fixing AE2 capacitor autocrafting in the process.
- Fix game crash when running in Turkish locale.
- Painted blocks will now drop correctly.
- Fixed problems with conduits needing updating to work.
- Fixed conduit channels for redstone conduits.
- Fixed using FTB Ultimine on conduits.
- Fixed conduit not displaying disconnection from GUI.
- Fixed incorrect GUI showing when accessing a connected conduit.
- Fixed redstone conduit resetting when a piston is activated.
- Fix JEI showing smelting recipes for the primitive alloy smelter.
- Primtive alloy smelter shift r-click works as expected.
- Fixed slot problems for the Alloy Smelter.
- Fixed recipe locking, resulting in abnormal slot behaviours.
Ender IO - 6.0.5-alpha
on Jul 11, 20236.0.5-alpha - 2023-07-11
- Made information for grinding up coal with flint and obsidian/grindstone more clear.
Ender IO - 6.0.4-alpha
on Jul 11, 20236.0.4-alpha - 2023-07-11
- Added missing tooltips for IO Config button and Neighbour button.
- Better multismelting support for the alloy smelter
- Grindstone crafting for grains of infinity and powdered coal now uses an in-world craft by right-clicking with flint in the off-hand and the ingredient in the main-hand. Also works with obsidian and crying obsidian (the latter of which has a chance to give a better rate of return on the craft).
- Lowered minimum Forge version to 47.0.42.
- Conduits are now placed in your inventory when shift right clicked with the Yeta Wrench
- Removed the grave system
- Removed the unfired urn
- Removed Iron Alloy Block
- Solar panels are no longer blocked by transparent blocks.
- Fixed sugar cane and flower pot sag mill recipes.
- Fixed solar panels not draining energy from their buffer.
- Fixed XP fluid inconsistency.
- Fixed the deletion of a bucket when using bucketed fuel in a smelting machine.
- Fixed inability to add fuel to active primitive alloy smelter.
- Fixed the output calculations for vanilla smelting in the alloy smelter.
- Fixed IO Config Overlay text rendering. Text has a Z-offset now.
- Fixed negative scale for IO Config for multi blocks
- Fixed Primitive Alloy Smelter not serializing burn time
- Fixed linking between conduit connector shape and selected conduit.
- Fixed redstone control icons, consistent with 1.12 now.
Ender IO - 6.0.3-alpha
on Jul 8, 2023Fixed grinding balls on multiplayer and fixed a GUI related issue.
Ender IO - 6.0.2-alpha
on Jul 8, 2023Fixed a SAG Mill crash, Fluid Tank Tooltips and made powdered coal obtainable early game.
Ender IO - 6.0.1-alpha
on Jul 7, 2023Initial alpha release!