Fixed crash
- Actually fixed hedges missing their models and recipes
- Fixed chests not having all their tags
- Added Quark chests
- Changed Quark ladders textures and added missing localization
- Fixed an important bug with Quark edges
- Added a config to disable resource pack dependent assets
- Added blocks from Macaw Doors and Macaw Trapdoors
- Fixed some recipes not generating
- Fixed some loot tables being incorrect
- Improved the mod creative tab with a new icon
- Added Macaw Paths
- Added Macaw Lights
- Fixed some models not generating properly
- Fixed blocks being registered even if another compat mod already added them
- Compat block conversion is now off by default. You can enable it in the configs
- If you remove a mod that adds a wood type its related generated blocks will be remapped to air
- Re added Quark bookshelves and post that were accidentally removed
- Improved compatibility with other compat mods
- Added some missing translations
quick hotfix that re enables some mcaw bridges that were accidentally removed and turns on planter box block entity renderer which was missing
- Added support for MrCrayfish Furniture Mod
- Updated to work with latest version of Another Furniture. Includes Planter Boxes and Shutters
- Creative tab is not on by default
- Added Macaw Windows, Fences and Bridges
- Added Shelves from Backpacked (thanks to WenXin2)
- Added an optional Creative Tab
- Added Posts from Valhelsia Structures
- Added a new Config System where you can disable individual wood types
- Added some new custom textures for some modded blocks
- Fixed many texture issues
- Mod once again works without having Farmers Delight or Another Furniture Mod installed
- Added Railings and Boards from Architects Palette
- Added Bookshelves and Vertical Planks from Quark
- Added an easy to use modder friendly API that allows to easily register bock variants, all pretty much automatically
- Added new custom textures for a few modded blocks such as cabinets from twigs and quark as well as windows from forbidden arcanus. Thanks to Frogbirdd and Pau_1eal for providing these
- Added Create Windows and Window Panes
- Added Farmers Delight Cabinets
- Added Quark Bookshelves
- Added Quark Vertical Planks
- Fixed recipes and tags not getting loaded consistently
- Added some missing tags
- Improved many textures gen
- Improved the block detection code so the mod will now hopefully catch all similar already registered blocks for a wood type and will not attempt to generate those
- Added a special overlay for Ecologics' azalea wood type
- Added a new folder /template_recipes where one can any oak based recipe. The recipes added will then be loaded by the mod and made available in all installed wood types. Useful to easily add wood type support to your favourite datapacks
Now correctly works with mods like Compat_makeover or Compatoplenty
Wood items can now be burned in furnaces
First release