Backend changes to make mod less dependent on Minecraft code (should make porting between versions easier). Fix client crashes on both fabric and forge.
Fix crash on NeoForge
Version 2.1 backport to 1.21.1. Fix for not being able to disable fog when fog distance values are invalid. Fix for Fabric clients crashing when mod is running on servers.
Improved networking Improved F3 information Improved search in config screen
Added fog overrides command,
- allows for configuration on servers (note: client needs mod for config)
- allows for reloading the settings.
Added rain fog settings
Fix packet crash on NeoForge.
Fix nether fog. Fix packet crash on NeoForge.
Fixes crash on 1.21.4
Fixes an issue where nether fog distance doesn't get overridden.
1.21 update
Complete rewrite
1.20 update
Basically a full rewrite Biome specific fog overrides New config screen features
Updated Forge and Dependencies