- Converted 7.1.0 Forge to Fabric
This version mainly changes the spawn logic of the Fumo's and now Fumo's should always spawn on the top center of the target block no matter if its Forge or Fabric.
- Fixed Marisa hatless recipe
- Fixed Fumo rotation spawn method
- Added Koishi Crafting Recipe
- Added Flandre Crafting Recipe
Compiled Fumo 7.0.0 Forge to Fabric.
- Added Flandre.
- Added Koishi.
- Added Creative tab.
- Changed versioning method.
Was having a hard time considering what I call a "Large Update" so now I will only count separate characters as Large updates and any mechanic or bugfix a lesser update.
updates will be more along the lines of, Characters.Mechanics.Fixes, example this update of adding the 7th unique character will be 7.0.0 with zero mechanic changes and zero bugfixes for this iteration.
Hopefully this will make versioning more comprehensive for the mod.
- Added ability to Dye Reimu blue
- Fixed Reimu drop
- Fixed Blue Reimu drop
- Added Blue Reimu
- Redid Reimu
- Old Reimu are now classified as "Bootleg Reimu"
- Added fish to Chens eating list.
- Added the ability to rotate Fumo's.
- Fumo's face player with carrot stick.
- Fumo's face away with fungus stick.
- Tuned Fumo collision boxes.
- Tuned Fumo entity shadow size.
- Added eating sound to Fumo's
- Added Chen
- Added Marisa Crafting Recipe
- You can obtain Hatless Marisa by cooking her.
- Added Eiki Crafting Recipe
- You can now obtain Tan Cirno by striking her with Lightning.
- Added Cirno crafting recipe.
- Fixed item name colors.
- Fixed double item names.
- Fixed model.json load issue on startup.
- Fixed mod metadata.
- Added full names to characters who have them.
Converted Forge 2.4.1 to Fabric, Expect bugs.
- Removed Tan Cirno's Eyebrows.
- Cirno now doesn't run away when you throw eggs at her.
- Fixed fumo's screaming when getting hit.
- Some Fumo Entity AI fixes (Or removal of said AI)
- Added Cirno
- Added Tanned Cirno
- Added ability to feed Fumo's cookies.
- Added ability to feed Fumo's cakes.
- Added ability to feed Fumo's milk.
- Feeding "Rotten Flesh" & "Poisonous potato" drops Fumo's item.
- Fumo's now rotate to player when placed.
- Added Reimu crafting recipe.
- Added Fumo "aaaaaaa" sound.
- Fumo's are now immune to drowning.
- Replaced spawn eggs with Fumo Items.
Added Eiki
Added bow & Extra texture details to Marisa & her hat.
Added bow behind Marisa's skirt.
Added Marisa's Hat
Added Marisa