- Refactored microblock API.
- Improved handling of invalid microblock IDs.
- Allowed microblock IDs over 32767 by storing them in NBT. Old ones will not stack with new ones unless you place and break them.
- Included some microblock fixes, and an experimental mod framework used by InfiniTubes.
- Recompiled with Java 6.
- Re-added missing registration of microblock tile entity. Existing placed microblocks will disappear. Sorry :(
- Fixed packaging again.
- Fixed mcmod.info
- Fixed packaging.
- Updated to 1.4.6.
- For FML's ID mismatch detection, all blocks registered by my mods will count as being registered by Immibis Core,
- API rearrangements.
- Blocks and items now use consistent default IDs based on the hashcode of their name. Before this, all blocks
- Fixed microblocks not being placeable.
- "Microblock container" blocks with no microblocks in them will now destroy themselves.
- Started changelog.
- Now splits packets bigger than 32kiB and reassembles them on the other end. (fixes Immibis's Peripherals speakers in SMP)
- Fixed an ID allocation typo which made it easier for conflicts to happen when adding new mods.