What's new
- Introducing libIPN. The GUI/Config code is now in separate library mod. libIPN will be uses in other mods made by me. And there... If are other brave devs.
- Inventory Profiles Next now depends on libIPN. This means you will need to install libIPN too or Inventory Profiles Next will not work
- There are no user facing changes
What's new
- Continuous/Auto Crafting now supports the Stone Cutter.
Switched to modern Kotlin support. This means that this mod now requires Kotlin for Forge or Fabric Language Kotlin
What's new
- Continuous/Auto Crafting now supports the Stone Cutter.
<iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ENpE05awR38?wmode=transparent" height="358" width="638">
Switched to modern Kotlin support. This means that this mod now requires Kotlin for Forge or Fabric Language Kotlin