Now when bosses are summoned or awakened, they move farther away based on the coordinates, and when there is no target, they teleport to those coordinates (spawn egg remains the same, and if you set config to 0, it will be the same as before.) Laser Gatling and Harbinger's Beam now penetrate enemies (but not shields) and have a constant shot speed. Fixed Coral weapon can't enchant durability enchant
Now when bosses are summoned or awakened, they move farther away based on the coordinates, and when there is no target, they teleport to those coordinates (spawn egg remains the same, and if you set config to 0, it will be the same as before.) Now, Laser Gatling, Harbinger's beam penetrate enemies (but not shields) and shot speed is fixed.
Fixed Ignis's Fireball
Fixed Ender Guardian Void vortex
Fixed Ender Guardian Void vortex Fixed Ender Golem Layer
Reduced Monstrosity's head shot damage(1.8 -> 1.5) Reduced Cursed Tombstone recharge cooldown (1minutes) Fixed Bosses after Death event bug(leviathan,ignis,maledictus)
Reduced n.m headshot dmg (1.8->.15) Reduced Cursed Tombstone (1minutes)
Now Bosses immune to Poison Effect
Now Bosses immune to poison effect
Added Blocks Maybe Fixed Leviathan tongue Now Leviathan is not affected by the bubble column
Changed Creative Tab Added Blazing Grips Layer
Fixed new blocks models
Really Fixed Ministrosity packet in forge server
Maybe Fixed ministrosity's inventory packet cause crash in bucket
Added Blocks For future Nerfed N.M's Rush start delay Updated fusion anvil and ministrosity's GUI Changed Ministrosity's inventory code
downgrade lionfish
Added New Fusion Weapons Added New Curios Item Retextured Blocks and items Now Leviathan is no longer affected by Bubble Column
Fixed Leviathan's music play Now, the boss is not immune to ghost sickness(Can be modified with data pack)
Buffed Cursed bow's Targeting Advanced Boss music Play
Fixed block particle cause crash