- (1.20.6+) Fix a few Vanilla/Oak Variant recipes not unlocking properly
- (1.21.3) Fix compatibility recipes for More Grindstone Variants and Nemo's Campfires
(Now you can craft those with all Stick Variants again.)
1.2.2 (1.21.2, 1.21.3):
- Update to 1.21.2, 1.21.3
- (1.20.1/1.20.4) Fixes certain compatibility recipes not working on these versions
- Add Stick Variants to Leaves block loot tables so that breaking leaves blocks now drop their respective stick instead of the regular Oak Stick (e.g. Birch Leaves now drop Birch Sticks)
- Add compatibility for Nemo's Campfires
- Add compatibility for upcoming "Nemo's More Ladder Variants" mod
- Add Spruce Sticks to the relevant tags for them to be usable in all Stick recipes like all other Stick Variants