Mixin Added
-MixinSaveHandler (Vanilla)
Mixin Updated
-MixinBiomeGenBase (Vanilla)
-MixinGrassSpread (Vanilla)
-MixinLoader (Vanilla)
-MixinThreadedFileIOBase (Vanilla)
-MixinWorld (Vanilla)
-MixinWorldGenMinable (Vanilla)
-MixinWorldServer (Vanilla)
-MixinLanguageRegistry (Vanilla)
-MixinPatchSpawnerAnimals (Vanilla)
Mixin Removed
-MixinNoiseGeneratorImproved (Vanilla) (Removed due to redundant things and causing issue)
-Fix worldgen problem with aether mods
-Reduced tidychunkBackport lags
-Update NoiseGeneratorOctavesMultithread
Mixin Updated
-MixinWorld (Fix cannot be cast to EntityLiving crash)
Mixin Updated
-MixinPatchSpawnerAnimals (Vanilla) (Fix mobs no spawn while using high render distance + increasing abit for spawnrate)
Mixin Updated
-MixinPatchSpawnerAnimals (fix a large bottleneck on modpacks caused by Entity Counter by making a thread for it)
Mixin Updated
-MixinBlockGrass (Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException crash)
Mixin Added
-MobSpawnerGoblinLogic (Goblin mod) (Fix NoSuchMethodError caused by MobSpawnerGoblinlogic from Goblin mod)
Mixin Updated
-MixinStructureGeneratorBaseMM (Mowzie's Mobs) (try to prevent Null crash from generateLayer)
-MixinPatchSpawnerAnimals (Vanilla) (cascading worldgen fix + reduce TPS lags on modpacks + Patch canCreatureSpawnOnLand performances)
-MixinWorld (Vanilla) (reduce tps lags caused by EntityCount)
Mixin Updated
-MixinPatchSpawnerAnimals(Null crash fix)
-MixinWorldServer(Fixed 3 bugs caused by MixinWorldServer : such has crashes,cascadingworldgens,Exception getting block type in world at coordinates....)
Mixin Updated
-MixinWorldServer (Reverted a break change introduced by V1.12.0)
-MixinPatchSpawnerAnimals/MixinWorld (Fix countEntities extreme lags introduced by V1.12.0)
Known Bugs
-Java lang null pointer exception spam
-Many cascading worldgens caused by Minecraft
-Exception getting block type in world at coordinates
Mixin Added
-MixinEntityMob (Vanilla)
-MixinAutomagyEventHandler (Automagy)
-MixinNoiseGeneratorImproved (Vanilla)
-MixinWorldType (Vanilla)
-Mixinmcreator_ununquadiumLand (UnunquadiumLand mod)
Mixin Updated
-MixinPatchSpawnerAnimals (Vanilla)
-MixinWorld (Vanilla)
-MixinBlockGrass (Vanilla)
-MixinMathHelper (Vanilla)
-MixinBlockLeaves (Vanilla)
-MixinEntityAIFollowParent (Vanilla)
-MixinMapGenStructure (Vanilla)
-MixinWorldGenMinable (Vanilla)
-MixinWorldServer (Vanilla)
-MixinEntityAIEatDroppedFood (Easy Breeding)
-MixinChunk (Vanilla)
-MixinChunkProviderGenerate (Vanilla)
-MixinBiomeGenBase (Vanilla)
-Do not inject MixinBiomeGenBase if Alfheim is present
-Do not inject MixinEntityRenderer if Alfheim is present
-Update TidyChunkBackport
-Cleanup Noise Generation Chunks
-spotlessApply (code)
-do not inject MixinMapGenStructure if dragonAPI is present
-Disabling code of MixinExtendedBlockStorage (cause tps overhead)
-do not inject MixinWorldServer if Laggoogles is installed
-XorShift128PlusRandom : Use Enhanced for loop
Mixin Added
-MixinObsidianChestGenerator (SGS TREASURE)
-MixinPlansProcessor (SGS TREASURE)
Mixin Updated
-MixinWorldGenGreatwoodTrees (Thaumcraft)
-MixinFixRubberTreesCascadingWorldgenLag (Minefactory Reloaded)
-MixinWorld (Vanilla)
- code cleanup in Noise Generation codes
- Fix cascading worldgens in Tidy Chunk Backport
- Fix a problem in tidy chunk backport
Mixin Added
-MixinBlockAiry (Thaumcraft)
-MixinBlockBuildCraftFluid (Buildcraft Oil Tweaks)
Mixin Added
-MixinEntitySwimming (Animal Plus)
-MapGenStructure (Vanilla)
-MixinBlockFluidClassic (Vanilla)
-MixinPFQueue (CoroUtil)
-MixinZAUtil (ZombieAwareness)
Mixin Updated
-MixinBlock (Vanilla)
-MixinHooksCore (Cofh Core)
-Backported Tidy Chunk(removes EntityItems from the chunk after it has been generated)so fix large TPS lags caused by a large quantity of EntityItem spawning during generation on modpacks
-do not inject MixinNBTTagCompound if DragonAPI is installed
-Remove unecessary checks in Farlanders mixins
Mixin Added
-MixinStitcher (Vanilla)
-MixinMathHelper (Vanilla)
-MixinTooMuchTNT (Too Much TNT) disabled by default, causing freeze on startup
Mixin Updated
-MixinTextureUtil (Vanilla)
-MixinRenderManager (Vanilla)
-don't inject MixinBiomeGenBase if DragonAPI mod is installed
Mixin Added
-MixinPPAPEventHandler (PPAP mod)
Mixin Updated
-MixinBlockLeaves (Vanilla)
-MixinWorld (Vanilla)
-MixinPatchSpawnerAnimals (Vanilla)
Mixin Added
-MixinBlockGrass (Vanilla)
-MixinBiomeGenBase (Vanilla)
-MixinChunkProviderGenerate (Vanilla)
-MixinEnchantmentHelper (Vanilla)
-MixinCompressedStreamTools (Vanilla)
-MixinStructureGeneratorBaseMM (Mowzies Mobs)
-MixinTarGenerator (Fossil and archeology Revival)
Mixin Updated
-MixinPlayerAether (Aether)
-MixinAnimTickHandler (Shincolle)
-MixinAnimationHandler (Shincolle)
-MixinEntitySasori (Shincolle)
-MixinWorldGenRuins (Atum)
-MixinBlockDynamicLiquid (Vanilla)
-MixinBlockLeaves (Vanilla)
-MixinEntityAIAttackOnCollide (Vanilla)
-MixinEntityAITasks (Vanilla)
-MixinEntityLiving (Vanilla)
-MixinFMLServerHandler (Vanilla)
-MixinLanguageRegistry (Vanilla)
-MixinMinecraft (Vanilla)
-MixinSaveFormatOld (Vanilla)
-MixinStatList (Vanilla)
-MixinWorld (Vanilla)
-MixinWorldServer (Vanilla)
-MixinFixCascadingforMineFactoryReloadedWorldGen (Minefactory Reloaded)
-MixinFixRubberTreesCascadingWorldgenLag (Minefactory Reloaded)
-MixinEntityRegistererOreSpiders (Ore Spider)
Mixin Added
-MixinWorldGenMassiveTree (MFR RELOADED)
-MixinWorldGenTreeBlackWattle (ObsGreenery)
-MixinWorldGenTreeBase (ObsGreenery)
-MixinUpdateCheckThreadCOFH (Cofh Core)
Mixin Updated
-MixinFixWorldGenLakesMetaCascadingWorldgenLag (MFR RELOADED)
-MixinFixRubberTreesCascadingWorldgenLag (MFR RELOADED)
-MixinWorldGenMiscStructures (Fossil and archeology Revival)
-MixinMAMWorldGenerator (Myth And Monsters)
Mixin Removed
-MixinHiveDecorator (Forestry)
-Update LongHashMap2 class
Mixin Added
-MixinGOBLINWorldGenFireplace (Goblins! mod)
-MixinGOBLINWorldGenHuts (Goblins! mod)
Mixin Updated
-MixinGOBLINWorldGenGVillage1 (Goblins! mod)
-MixinPatchSpawnerAnimals (Vanilla)
-MixinNetherWorldGenGanys (Gany's Nether)
-MixinHiveDecorator (Forestry)
Mixin Updated
-MixinModelRenderer -MixinPatchSpawnerAnimals
Mixin Removed
- fix large tps lags by removing MixinBlockGrass and updating MixinPatchSpawnerAnimals
-angelica compat optimize import/spotlessapply