- Added a client-side config option to show Power sources in JEI.
- Added a client-side config option to disable custom water textures in the Crucible since it causes issues with Rubidium
- Litmus Paper now reports on the status of possible reactions
- Fixed a crash related to the gold foam reaction
- Documentation tweaks
- Litmus Paper now reports on the status of possible reactions
- Fixed a crash related to the gold foam reaction
- Documentation tweaks
- Ported to 1.20.1
- No other changes
- Improved JEI Integration
- Powers are now JEI Ingredients
- The Transmutation Recipe display no longer overflows on long recipes and looks better
- Better Guide section! Hopefully people are less quick to dismiss the book as useless now !
- New Research Path: Gravity Manipulation! Make sure to enabling flying if you want to use gravity features on a server!
- Added Shulker Crucible
- The Crucible can now be filled by any Forge fluid containing item
- Dissolve and Transmute Recipes can now accept tags for their input ingredient
- Added a few new utility recipes
- Various documentation tweaks
- Fix Crucible color flashing after being emptied
- Fix Stardust being able to delete blocks sometimes
Improved performance for the Crucible, especially on the rendering thread
Fixed Crucible water not reaching the edges of the model
Fixed Litmus Paper crashing if shift-right-clicked immediately after obtaining
- Documentation update! Improved and varied the wording of many sections to make the journal clearer and more mysterious.
- Made Staves of Power repairable
- Improved Staff of Power crafting process effects
- Made the Warp Bottle target nearer creatures first when teleporting nearby entities
- Buffed the Displacement effect and made its range configurable
- Improved the spread of chained Displacement effects to be more reasonable
- Fixed an issue where Mind Lichen would trigger endlessly when touching a Creative Mode player
- Added an object of study relating to Sculk Catalysts.
- Added and adjusted a few Power Sources.
- Fixed the model for Runestone items
- Added compatability for Ars Noveau. Source is just Mind, right?
- Changed the stardust recipe to make more sense
- Improved a couple of documentation entries
- Made acid blocks not destroy entity blocks (configurable)
- Added a new block tag to prevent blocks from being dissolved by acid
- Added a parameter to make recipes require an electrified Crucible to craft.
- New Research Path: Block Displacement - using a particular material, it is possible to make blocks that vanish temporarily.
- Added Psychic Lichen
- Added Floral Vines
- Added the Bucket of Acid
- Added a few utility recipes using bottled Powers.
- Changed the balance of the Occult Symbol
- Fixed staves voiding enchants when placed
- Fixed a rare ConcurrentModificationException crash on startup
- Fixed empty recipes sometimes appearing in JEI
- Added new compatibility recipe with Hexcasting
- Fix a crash with the salt creation reaction
Initial 1.18.2 backport
- Fixed an issue where certain recipes wouldn't work as intended
- Added power sources for BYG, Naturalist, and Allay in a Bottle
- Improved integration with Botania and Quark
- Remove excess debug output
- Made the mod compatible with multiplayer
- The Crucible can now be automatically inserted into via piping, including Hoppers
- Power Bottles can now be filled or emptied using a Dispenser
- Symbols can now be broken using a Piston, and placed using a Dispenser
- New object of study: "Redstone Riddles"
- Bottles can now be emptied by shift-right-clicking them onto the Crucible.
- Litmus Paper can now be used by throwing it into the Crucible
- Litmus Paper can now be read into chat by shift-right-clicking it
- Fixed an issue that allowed some journal entries to unlock out of order
- Fixed the Crucible consuming bottles if there was no viable power bottle for the contents
- Fixed Stardust blocks missing a loot table
- Added a handful more Quark items to power tags
- Added a new Soul source
- A few other adjustments
(Sorry for the rapid updates! Things should slow down now.)