- fixed a trait tuner bug
- fixed attribute bugs
- fixed wormholes
- fixed immobilization bugs
- hopefully fixed shield disabling bugs
- added the trait tuner
- no longer able to charge and use arnicite
- organized some recipe files
- removed some audio files
- fixed trait picker duals (i never got one)
- fixed the domes so they hopefully don't crash
- fixed weapon activities
- small patch for the trait picker
- made a trait picker for when first starting a world
- fixed a packet allowing you to get any item
- fixed many immobilization bugs by completely reworking how it works
- fixed fearless instincts fall damage
- added justice pellet trails
- fixed a dt dome bug
- fixed a server-client desync bug
- fixed an arnicite consumption bug
- fixed a kindness dome crash
- siphon textures shouldn't render for custom armor models or if armor rendering is disabled
- replaced enduring heal and nanomachines with ward
- fixed some hotbar rendering weirdness
- fixed justice trident
- added some soul methods for using and adding mana
- fixed integrity rapier
- fixed justice pellet rendering as well as made it be particles
- fixed justice bow scattering
- fixed major lag issues
- allays can no longer be used to duplicate summon weapons
- fixed the weird bravery spear breaking thing
- grayscale icons fixed
- trait o lanterns have loot tables now
- fixed melee siphons applying to projectiles
- fixed scaling for all the healing abilities
- fixed a bravery boost strength bug
- fixed a dt arrow bug
- added some sagan icons
- added config to merge the ability hotbar with the item hotbar
- added some elytra siphons
- fixed frost mark
- fixed the dt injector (how was this missed for so long)
- fixed immobilization
- fixed a server bug (for real this time)
- modified gravity anchor even further
- modified a lot of dt weapon stats
- finally added the dt staff
- modified freeze ring and justice revolver
- switched config handling to cloth config
- added a config option to make hotbar hotkeys passthrough the magic bar
- added a config option to show percentages when resetting
- added halloween stuff teehee
- added cooldown displays for some abilities
- made energy wave overcharge hopefully more stable
- reduced gravity anchor slowness amplifier
- fixed exp gain
- fixed pain split icon
- fixed some pat jackpot bugs
- added some more info to the soul screen
- fixed a server crash bug
- made the soul forge directional
- made the soul in the soul jar face you
- fixed the soul screen ability selection outline showing when switching pages
- actually renamed telekinesis entity to just telekinesis
- added a shining soul sprite
- added kaso
- fixed new players guaranteed to be given bravery-justice on spawn
- fixed the rei siphon category
- made hotbar keys switch ability slot when magic mode is active
- fixed both integrity and determination rapiers
- modified how parries are handled
- started work on the kills screen
- fixed repulsion field costing 100 mana
- modified how aura code is
- fixed up some intended aura buffs
- added a lot of attributes
- modified a lot of abilities to use said attributes
- fixed patience-pv frost mark
- modified how energy beams render. still WIP
- got some more on data driven traits & abilities
- modified a lot of things to not use player soul values and tags, but a separate values component for all living entities
- modified parrying a little bit
- modified claw gouge to actually have running, still slightly WIP
- fixed gunlance
- fixed musket blade (i think?)
- renamed telekinesis entity to telekinesis
- pain split can now be used on non-players
- changed some entity renders to involve partial ticks
- modified antigravity zone to work much better and be less resource intensive
- shield shards can now be shared with allies
- fixed the siphon category on rei
- fixed some icons
- removed an auto turret duplication bug
- increased siphon imbuer bow damage
- replaced the "Your LV has increased" message with a toast
- correctly removes valiant heart as bravery-patience
- fixed some soul jar stupidity
- modified gravity anchor for slowness to scale with elv
- removed some bugs with screen abilities setting the screen when they shouldn't
- fixed perfected aura technique base armor boost to not be a stupidly high multiplier
- made changes to how ability icons render, giving toggleable abilities different icons depending on whether it's on or off
- added elytra siphon TEXTURES, not features yet
- remodeled justice and determination crossbow to have pulling and not be weird with numbers
- fixed blocking models for kindness and determination shield
- changed the soul forge block model
- removed forgotten frostburn code in energy ball
- fixed determination crossbow to align with justice crossbow again
- fixed many advancement criteria bugs
- hopefully fixed some soul resetting bugs, mostly to do with jars but also other small bugs
- removed antiheal from determination claw and determination edge
- modified how domes work to prevent digging around them, however rendering is a little odd
- fixed a bug where armor siphons only applied once instead of stacking per piece
- pain split now shows particles on the selected target when selected
- slightly reworked shield shards to be able to surround allies when being thrown
- fixed the rei siphon category
- fixed a bug where strong and pure did not give their respective magic boosts
- fixed a bug with infinite effect duration
- fixed telekinesis style gain
- fixed some ability raycasts, ignoring non-living entities
- fixed aura rendering
- added some more patchouli entries
- finally added functional furioso
- added some more effects to status inversion
- made status inversion effect temporary attributes
- reworked justice crossbow
- added the ability to run on water and lava at high enough speeds
- fixed full power perfected aura technique to not have a health multiplier, but add health instead
- added shining soul for bravery-patience
- prevented the ability to get a determination dual trait from the trait selector
- fixed pv siphon on storage containers
- fixed repulsion field not affecting air speed
- replaced iceshock with slowball
- modified frost wave
- replaced frozen grasp with ice spike
- modified skewer weakpoint
- modified freeze ring
- modified blinding snowstorm
- replaced weather warning with total frostbite
- replaced snowgrave with proceed
- fixed blinding snowstorm audio
- added unchained soul
- started on patchouli compatability
- revamped wormhole rendering
- added a few new attributes, mostly for the patience rework
- made team status also apply to pets
- added the temporary attribute framework
- snowglobe has been modified
- justice bow scatter works correctly
- added a damage reduction attribute
- fixed a crash with tridents and incorrect siphon data
- fixed a soul jar related issue
- immobilization no longer snaps player necks
- modified the "always hurts ender dragons" tag to include most custom damage types
- made immobilization not work on boss entities
- temporarily disabled furioso and snowgrave until they function correctly
- fixed an nbt issue
- fixed telekinesis not going on cooldown when cancelled
- reworked sleep mist to use a custom effect called "eepy"
- modified vulnerability functionality to go directly against resistance, as well as affect protection damage reduction
- preparing for a massive patience overhaul
- changed how the purely visual soul item is used. allows for all trait combinations
- fixed a bug where hestia's hearth just doesn't exist????
- determination essence is an item but not obtainable only because soulforge server stuff
- added flamethrower fire particles
- modified energy ball fire particles
- fixed kindness shield's lv being 10 instead of 3
- fixed up some terrible mixining from me to make some mods actually compatible. will have to go through all of them later
- went through advancements because of the soul item change and ended up fixing small things