port to 1.20.4
complete mod rebrand from stone shears to stone utils added stone chest, stone crafting table, and ceramic shears this update will break compatibility with previous versions also moved all the important logic to a library, wsmlmb
add support for 1.19.3 through 1.20.2 by using weird reflection stuff in item groups
fix the advancement and recipe files
give the shears tags
remove multi item lib from the dependencies
support 1.17 in the same jar
clean up the mixin file
use a less hacky mixin
port to 1.16
add a way to craft it
added support for 1.19.3 to 1.19.4
changed a single line to add support for 1.18.2 to 1.19.2
added support for 1.18 and 1.18.1 uses semver
First release! This is my first mod, so expect there to be bugs.