- Fixed falling urns crashing the game
- Fixed some rare server related issues
- Tweaked bubble particles
- Fixed rope arrow recipe
- Fixed falling urns crashing the game
- Fixed rope arrow recipe not working
- Fixed rope arrow durability not showing up correctly
- Slightly increased urns spawn rate
- Fixed some rare server related errors
- Fixed sticks not connecting and misbehaving
- Added Cave Urns and Wild Flax to world generation
- Conditional sign registration is now always on. This was done to prevent servers from not allowing clients that had the option set to a different state than the server. This means that the mod will only register signs for currently installed wood types. If you remove a mod that adds such wood types the signs will be converted into their oak variant.
- Changed cog block and copper lantern texture to be more similar to the vanilla one
- You can now put items in a sack by clicking on them with a sack in hand while in a gui, like bundles
- Added configs to tweak cave urns and wild flax generation
- Fixed a crash on servers
- Fixed flags not rendering correctly
- Added quark styled tooltip for sacks and safes, only enabled if quark is also active
- Added builtin click interaction to safes and sacks similar to bundles
- Re added custom piston behaviors for tipped spikes. Only on when quark is installed
- Added config to disable rope fast sliding
- Added some compatibility for create schematic cannon for some blocks like wall lanterns and double skulls
- Fixed sign posts not working correctly below y 0
- Improved bubble particles coming from bellows and soap blocks
- Fixed unbound safes sometimes not working correctly
- Added misisng deepslate lamp recipe
- Fixed tipped bamboo spikes secondary colors being incorrect
- Fixed version requirement so it can boot on 1.18.1
- GUI opening for many blocks is now controlled server side. this might be useful for servers with block protection
- Fixed Red Merchant gui
- Skulks can now detect many interactions with modded blocks
- Fixed deepslate lamp recipe
- Goats can now eat fodder
- Re added create compat for bellows, hourglasses and bamboo spikes
- Fixed a crash on servers
- Fixed key tag being absent resulting in a crash when interacting with key lockable stuff
- Fixed skull piles rotating the wrong direction when rotated with a wrench
- Fixed a flute song not loading correctly
- Fixed a crash related to the config button
- Multiple ash pile blocks now fall simultaneously
- Added config that allows ropes to attach to full block sides
- Increase default rope arrow capacity to 32 (can still be further increased with configs)
- Ropes now have a solid hitbox when hit by arrows. This makes it easier to shoot other rope arrows onto existing ropes, aiding the exploration of 1.18 new huge caves
- Fixed version I just released not even booting (lol)
- Fixed crash on servers
- Mod can now work with future Quark versions
- Fixed ash being glitched out on clients when falling
- Added config option to enable and disable wrench action overriding. It's also now only active on main hand
- Added powder snow to jars
Ported to 1.18
All worldgen features are currently missing and will be added down the line, probably after 1.18.1 for technical issues
v1.0.0 Patch Notes:
- Added Urns, a new block that will spawn deep on cave floors in clusters. Breaking them usually yeilds ash or bones but can rarely contain very valuable items. Urns are affected by luck and fortune. Urns are very fragile and will break when touched but don't panic, you can obtain them with silk touch. Once you do they can hold up to 1 item in them
- Added Ash, a new item obtained by burning down (using fire) flammable items or found in urns. The amount obtained is random but depends on the type or material burned. Ash is also soft and will reduce fall damage when 2 or more layers are present. Ash will wash away when it rains
- Added Soap. Soap is a useful item which can be used to wash away any dye from dyed item, reverting back to their white form. It can also be used or dispensed on copper to clean away any waxing and oxidation in one use
- Added Soap Blocks, a fun block that can be crafted with soap. It's almost as slippery as ice but will actually make you slip when you walk on it. Try it out!
- Added Bubble Blowers, a fun item that can be used to blow soap particles
- Added Wrench, a new copper tool used to rotate any block. To do so click on a rotateable block and it will rotate itself along the axis perpendicular to the face you clicked. Shift click to reverse the direction. This also works with special double blocks like chests and beds. Wrenches also double as a weapon 0.0
- Overhauled Flutes: flutes will now have a custom animation when playing and will actually play some music tracks! The music system that has been added is entirely data driven and can be expanded upon with data packs. Server owners can also use a /supplementaries record command to record any noteblock music in the world and save it into a readable json that can be added via datapack. Durability has been changed but base pet recalling functionality remains the same
Credit to CandyCraft for providing the noteblock sounds that have been converted into flute format - Mob Head Tweaks: Skulls can now be stacked ontop of eachother and can also have up to 4 candles placed on them. Great for underground or spooky builds
- Antique Ink is a new rare item that can be found rarely in urns. It's purpouse it's mainly decorative and it can be applied on any sign to have them display with a fancy new Antiquable Font. Additionally it can be crafted with a map or a globe to have them be turned into an Antique Map or Sepia Globe
- Ash bricks can now be crafted with ash and serves as a new building block
- Additionally all stone tiles now come in stairs and wall variants
Changes Improvements
- You can now use axes in dispensers to strip or scrape blocks
- Bellows have been improved and can now speed up copper oxidation. Additionally if placed next to a wet sponge that touches a soap block the can blow bubble particles
- Added walls and stairs variants to all stone tiles
- Removed many unfinished and unused blocks as well as blocks that will be overhauled very soon. This includes magma blocks, candelabras, candle holders. Fireflies have also been removed since they will be overhauled as well
- Improved turn table code to be able to rotate many more blocks including stairs on their horizontal axis
- Improved directional and double cake code to support candles on cakes
- Added more configs & tags including one to tweak turn table and wrench particles or one to disable the speaker block narrator feature and a tag for keys.
- Statues with custom player skins will no longer hang up the game when first placed
- Added an option to conditionally register all signs in modded wood types. This option might be worth enabling since right now there are over 200 of them getting registered and barely used. With this option on only the ones made from wood types available from the installed mods will be registered
- Removed some unused blockstates from some blocks
- Iron gates can now be waterlogged
- Faucets can now dump fluids in sponges effectively voiding them. The same can already be done with lava cauldrons making them ideal "trash can" solutions
- Fixed faucets crashing the game when no block was underneath them
- Fixed placeable sticks loot table
- Fixed sack slots now working when being changed in the configs. Also fixed shift click not moving items in them
- Fixed custom adveture maps price being incorrect
- Fixed many guis not rendering properly
- Fixed stasis enchantment making the game crash
- Optimized way sign generation
- Leash now drop after capturing mobs in cages. Additionally capturing villagers will anger iron golems
- Fixed many recipes being partially broken like the flag from banners one
v 0.17.12 (b: fixed classloading and dependencies issues)
- Added Patchouli book (thanks to AlleCraft)
- You can now catch Botania Taters with jars (dont do it though)
- Restored compat with newer version of computer craft
- Fixed some buttons in the config menu not being clickable
- Adjusted config button positioning to better with with mods that change the main menu
- Fixed jar item displaying incorrectly when it would hold more than 12 bottles of liquid (via configs)
- Added option to disable speaker block narrator feature
- Added compat for custom villager trades
- Removed some leftover textures that for some reason now make the game crash (?)
V 0.17.11:
- Fixed cages dropping with an nbt tag even when empty making them not stackable
- Fixed captured mobs not dropping their leash
- Hopefully fixed illuminator and statue light emission not working
- Fixed it me in hanging signs displaying incorrectly
- You can once again drink from goblets
- Double cakes can now be sliced with farmers delight knives
- Fixed custom maps having their price calculated incorrectly
- Fixed sacks slots having visual glitches and not being able to accept items being quick moved into them
- Fixed flags from banners recipe not working correctly
- Hostile mobs captured with cages will not be persistent
- Fixed some faucet code causing issues
- Remove some unneeded files
- Added some visual indicator particle for turn table that will signal when a block has been rotated
- Added new rich soul soil planter for nether delights compatibility
- Restored compatibility with latest Configured version (older one is no longer supported)
- Fixed some mobs appearing offcentered and smaller than they should be in cages. To take effect you might want to capture then again
- Xp bottling now always wastes some xp
- Rope arrows can no longer hit entities and thus waste stored arrows. Instead they will bounce back or will be directly be picked up if they hit a player
v 0.17.9: more mod compat and fixes
- Added compat for computer craft and speaker blocks. They can now be used and controlled as a peripheral
- Added more placeable sticks from other mods (prismarine rods, edelwood sticks and propelplant cane)
- Added more sings for mod compat (polished planks from eidolon)
- Added more mod compat for sands and dusts that can go inside an hourglass trough 2 new tags
- Fixed a crash with bed map markers
- Fixed an incorrect flax block recipe
- Changed fodder texture
- Slightly changed turn table periods so now they are all in multiple of 2 starting from 4 tick instead of 5
v 0.17.8 a few bug fixes
- Fixed a crash with projectiles such as bombs or arrows crashing the game when hitting a player that had pvp turned off
- Fixed a bug where faucets could duplicate water from cauldrons
- Fixed a bug where faucets could extract fluid quantities less than 250mb from a fluid tank and then round them up to 250, essentially duplicating fluids
- Fixed flax block recipe
v 0.18.1: still in beta stage but much more useble
- Reworked all signs to use a new standardized system that make use of the new 1.17 features such as glow ink or new sounds.
- Many small inconsistencies like text not being properly centered have been fixed along the way
- Book and quill can now be placed (can be turned off in the configs)
- Improved faucet code to be slightly faster. It now should have more mod compatibility.
- Faucet can no longer extract items from 2 blocks behind.
- Fixed some faucet related bugs
- Fixed many gui not working correctly
- Fixed many block hitbox being incorrect
- Removed some unused files and fixed a recipe
v 0.17.7
- Reworked fodder. It now will allow some animals to automatically feed off of it, allowing them to breed or grow up faster without player interaction. Textures are temporary. It can also now be mined and interacted with a hoe
- Fixed compatibility with the new Farmer's delight update
- Loot tables injects (for globes, flax, and bombs found in chests) are now data driven and can be edited with datapacks
First 1.17 port:
This is an early access version and it might have some issues
Some features have been temporairly disabled, others have been removed
Detailed changelog will be included in the first 1.17 beta release
v 0.17.6: Improved books & fixes
- Fixed a crash with safe tooltips
- Fixed fishes in a jar crashing the game
- Changed placeable books textures
- Improved placeable books color assignment algorithm: they now support all 16 colors and will generally look better
- Placeable books now also support colored books from Inspirations mod
- Added a new config option to allow the placement of every book type in every configuration (so normal books horizontally and enchanted vertically)
- Updated some tags and some other minor fixes
- Updated many translations
v 0.17.5: bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where ropes on posts was preventing the game to load with optifine
- Fixed some rendering issues with flower boxes and wall lanterns when optifine/shaders were installed
- Fixed candy recipe not working
- Further improved caged mobs system. Now caged water mobs will properly react to water when a cage is waterlogged
- Empty blackboards are no longer tile entities
- Added an optional ownership system that prevents any player other than the one that placed them to interact with certain blocks like signs, boards and so on. Intended for servers