- Fixed Sawmill not being completely compatible with Bamboo set
- Fixed JEI integration
- Fixed recipe toast missing for Sawmills
- Fixed Chiseled Bookshelf recipes not being grouped together
- Fixed Closet rendering incorrectly during Christmas
- Bamboo can now be used in place of sticks in Bamboo recipes
- Added Sawing recipe for Bamboo Mosaic
- Added a bunch of datagen recipe util
- Added a ton of new tags for easier integration
- Structure repaletters now only apply to Villages
- Variant chests are now usable on Llamas, Donkeys, and Mules
- Ported to 1.20.1
- Added Chiseled Bookshelves for every wood variant
- Added variant blocks for Cherry wood
- Added variant blocks for Bamboo wood
- Changed the Boards recipe to match Bamboo Mosaics (two slabs in a vertical arrangement)