Choclatey Re-Melted 3.0.4
on Feb 11, 2025Updated all mods and removed Polymer from clientside due to weird issues.
Choclatey Re-Melted 3.0.3A
on Jan 14, 2025Fix it logging users into my account...hopefully.
Choclatey Re-Melted 3.0.3
on Jan 12, 2025Updated mods and added ViaFabric.
Choclatey Re-Melted 3.0.2
on Jan 4, 2025Added Mt Random block placement, Which allows you to randomly place blocks from your hotbar.
Sodium dynamic Lights
Sodium extras - Txni
Sodium Options api
Choclatey Re-Melted 3.0.1
on Dec 26, 2024Chocolaty 3.0.1
New mods
Head in the clouds
- Makes rain not render when above cloudlevel.
Client side painting Variants
- This needs the link for context, It allows you to add resourcepacks that replace vanilla paintings.
Auto Re-Auth,
- Ever get the "session expired please reauthenticate you game by restarting." message? Just login to this mod and that is no longer an issue!
- Actually be able to find what keybind doesnt want to work.
Camera Enhancements.
- Freecam, This is a version of freecam that does not allow you to Gop through blocks., Also pressing b while in freecam swaps the controls back to your player without giving your camera, Like a tripod.
- Freelook, Hold left alt to rotate the camera around your player model
Recursive Resources
- Allows you to have folders for Resourcepacks.
Crafting tweaks.
- Rotate crafting grid, Balance crafting grid, Or even just Clear it.
Sodium Core shader support.
- This mod is only usefull to those with alot of technical knowledge, but it allows Resourcepacks to replace Sodiums Core shaders, Similar to "fabulous" shader resource packs.
Pretty things.
- Adds atmospheric ambience. Heavily Customizable.
Partical Rain.
- Main purpose is less Obstructive Rain. Secondary purpose is nicer lookign rain/snow and More storm effects such as Sandstorms, Biome tinted rain. And even adds ripples to when rain hits water, and ground fog, Water streaks to Windows. oh god this mod got a major update recently.
Choclatey Re-Melted 3.0.0rc1
on Dec 17, 2024oh god im sorry this took forever
This is an entire overhaul to the entire modpack including introducing our inhouse base modpack Called DOUGH, its purpose is currently just for us to quick update bits of modpacks to new versions faster.
Many features are gone and or removed but ill explain a few current features of 3.0
- Full controller support
- Yes this means steamdeck support....which is needed since i now own a steamdeck.
- scribble,
- Allows fine detail editing of books.
- Phantom shapes
- Allows users to place Phantom shapes to allow players to follow them as building guides.
- Simple menu, Mod loading screen, custom Loading screens
- These three mods are replacing fancy menu and drippy loading screen. theyre simpler and less bloat.
- oh god there is too many things.
- And this is only release candidate ONE OUT OF IDK HOW MANY
Choclatey Re-Melted 2.8.3
on Sep 3, 2024Redone the shaderpack
Choclatey Re-Melted 2.8.2
on Sep 3, 2024I have no clue.
Choclatey Re-Melted 2.8.1
on Jul 12, 2024Remove Autoswitch as it was not meant to be in the pack Last major curseforge release.
Choclatey Re-Melted 2.8.0
on Jul 8, 2024Added -Stendhal
- Namless servers
- Folders!
- and more.
Choclatey Re-Melted 2.5.1
on Jun 27, 2024added
- Dynamic fullbright - This does not allow full nightvision
- Dynamic crosshair
- Notebook - adds an ingame notebook, this is per world/server
- added Scribble - Better bookwriting, like colours, Bold text, Italic, or slashthrough text.
- Client sort, a fully client side stand alone sort mod, jsut hit middle click.
Choclatey Re-Melted 2.5
on Jun 25, 2024Added
- Ryoamic lights For dynamic lights without shaders
- Pling to notify you when the games done loading
- replanter plus for quick planting crops clientside
- colourfull subtitles to be able to read subtitles better
- Clientsort to sort inventories entirely clientsided
Choclatey Re-Melted 2.5
on Jun 21, 2024Fixed fancy menu Centered added by iris
Choclatey Re-Melted 2.0a
on Jun 19, 2024Removed krypton
Choclatey Re-Melted 2.0
on Jun 19, 2024updated to 1.21
Choclatey Re-Melted 1.2.1-a
on Apr 30, 2024Accidently uploaded CF version.
Choclatey Re-Melted 1.2.0-a
on Apr 25, 2024Removed grid..its causing a weird crash.
Choclatey Re-Melted 1.2.0
on Apr 25, 2024New layouts and a layout menu for the main menu and the pause screen.
Properly credit myself for the work.
Added YOSBR(your options shall be respected) thank you to shedaniel for updating it on curseforge so i can actually get this update out on both curseforge and modrinth.
Choclatey Re-Melted 1.1.1
on Apr 23, 2024Now in parity with the curseforge version
I swear if modrinth takes longer than 30 minutes i will start actively saying curseforge is better because used to they took 2 weeks now modrinth just hates me
Choclatey Re-Melted 0.6.5
on Feb 12, 2024Fully fixed continuity. Added authme, I cant remember what else.