Update mods & Loader
Add BadOptimizations
Update C2ME, VMP
Add BadOptimizations - a low-impact miscellaneous optimization mod
- Update mods
- Re-enable certain Lithium optimizations that had to be disabled for snapshot versions.
Update mods & Loader
Remove redundant dependency overrides
- Update Fabric API
- Add FerriteCore
SO for 1.20.4 is complete!
- Add back ThreadTweak as it has been ported to 1.20.4
Since only one mod is missing from the 1.20.4 version of the pack at this point, it's safe to assume it a "release" in case FerriteCore takes ages to get ported.
- Update mods
- Update mods & Loader
Sorrys for not testing the last one! This one should work though
- Update mods
- Bump Minecraft to 1.20.4
- Add No Chat Reports (as it has updated to 1.20.3)
- Update mods & loader (again)
Update mods
The pack should actually work now lol
Preemptive release for 1.20.3
- Bump version to 1.20.3-rc1 & Update mods