Vanilla 3D models for some items. Better plants. Added nether mobs.
Major changes
Design change for shulker boxes. Bushier flowers. New 3d models for weapons, amethyst and mushrooms.
New stuff:
3d models (swords, axes, amethyst, mushrooms, fungus, and flowers), all shulker boxes, lodestone, double slabs of resin, hanging roots
bamboo, turtle helmet, turtle egg, spawn eggs
piglin, piglin brute, zombie piglin, hoglin, zoglin, magma cube, striders, turtle helmet, ender chest
biome colormap, calibrated sculk sensor, obsidian, crying obsidian, enchanting table, ice, ice pack, blue ice, end portal frame, chiseled stone bricks, slime block, iron bar, glow lichen, mushroom stem, mushroom blocks, sweet berry, sugar cane, spide web, double slabs (granite and red sandstone), jungle leaves, azalea leaves, particle of fire, lantern animation
armors, trims, rabbit, cooked rabbit, chicken, cooked chicken, netherite scrap, ender eye, ender pearl, slime ball, fungus
shield, slime, iron golem, painting, skelton, bogged, stray, wither skelton
specular animation of smoker
This update includes contents of winter drop and also redesigned a lot of existing stuff.
Major changes
Now, saturation of specular materials appears vivid on any shaderspacks. Totally reviewed all biome colormap. Winter drop update.
New stuff:
variants for short grass and fern, sculk, sculk vein, sculk catalyst, sculk sensor, calibrated sculk sensor, sculk shrieker, spider web, doors and trapdoors(birch, mangrove), bamboo, dripleaf, beehive, bee nest, bundles, resin, target, eye blossom, pale oak blocks, pale moss, particle of cherry blossom
boats, pale oak(door, signs)
rabbits, mule, donkey, all boats, spiders, creaking, warden
biome colormap, specular texture of all metal blocks, all beds, all kind of sandstone and red sandstone, all terracottas, all glass, quartz bricks, polished deepslate, grass path, lilac, gravel, dirt, gold block, bamboo block, prismarine, grass block, deepslate, purpur, prismarine bricks, shulker boxes, TNT, rose, leaves(cherry, jungle), mud bricks, packed mud, calcite, granite, diorite, peony, vine, emerald block, diamond block, gold block, netherite block, double slabs(smooth quartz, deepslate tiles), moss block, end portal frame
dye, candles, trial keys, coal, charcoal, lead, arrow, glowberry
cow, fences
incorrect tex for bottom of dirt, not working specular animation of mineral blocks
Design change of some blocks. Major changes: all coppers, dirt, stone, ore, dark oak
New stuff:
iron bars(3d models), campfire, bamboo, bamboo block, sponge, wet sponge, mycelium
brewing stand, flower pot, signs
mule, donkey, drowned, bee
all coppers, all ores, dark oak blocks, froflights, sea lantern, shroom light, cherry leaves, paintings, gold blocks, tree logs, dropper, dispenser, observer, flowers, all signs, double slab(quarts, chiseled deepslate), stone, stone brick blocks, short grass, stained glass(light grey, brown, orange, lime, cyan, purple, pink), vine, deepslate, lapis block, side of trapdoors(coppers, iron), lightning rod, quartz blocks, chiseled deepslate, emerald block, diamond block, dirt, redstone lamp, grass block, podzol, dirt path, coarse dirt, farmland, rooted dirt, nether bricks
prismarine crystal, glow berries, gold tools and armor
slime, allay
missing tex of enderman
Improvements of major blocks. Added some friendly mobs. Items are almost filled.
New stuff:
emissive orbs, particle of flame, lava, magma block,
pig, chicken, cow, sheep
potions, cod, salmon, tropical fish, bottols, bowl, stew, beatroot stew, bell, cauldron, nautilus shell, spider eye, fermented spider eye, nether star, nether wart, item frame, glow item frame, paintings, prismarine sherd, prismarine crystal, map, lead, buckets, ghast tear, heart of sea, rabbit foot, saddle, books, echoe shard, phantom membrane
all fences, all logs all planks, all doors, all trapdoors, glowstone, redstone lamp, water melon, sticky piston, obsidian, shulker boxies, gold clock, raw mineral blocks, stone bricks, lily pad, nether wart, crying obsidian, endstone bricks, leaves(oak, acacia, dark oak), signs, amethyst block, beacon, bookshelf, emerald block, nyliums, neher wart blocks, nether roots, nether vines, polished blackstone slab side, beatroot, suger cane, vine, prismarine bricks, lantern animation, iron block, windows(brown, light blue, magenta), pumpkins
zombie, ghast, armors
emerald, diamond, lapis lazuli, apple, pumpkin pie, golden apple, golden carrot, suger, pufferfish, brush, cokkies, water melon, clay boll, ender pearl, ender eye, paper, gloestone dust, glow berry, ingots, honey comb, slime ball, ancient debris, rabbit hide, redstone, gun powder, blaze powder, totem of undying
side of smooth stone, emits dirt path on some shaders
This one is huge update! I added double slab variants for all blocks. Adjustment of colored blocks and biome colors. Normal glass will be connected if you use optifine or alternative mods( I won't add mod features anymore because that's not match concept of this pack). New textures for much more stuff.
New one:
all double slab textures, connected glass, all job site blocks, all saprings, daylight detector, honeycomb block, slime block, moss block, honey block, mud block, mangrove roots, muddy mangrove roots, lily pad
meats, chorus fruits, bread, ancient debris, ink sac, glow ink sac, turtle scute, armadillo scute, kelp, fishing rods, shears, brush
Big changes:
all concretes, all concrete powders, all wools, all terracottas, all logs, all leaves, mushroom blocks, endstone, prismarine
all plants, all beds, fences(oak, spruce), birch blocks, blackstone bricks, quartz pillar, deepslate tiles, enchanting table, calcite, emerald block, diamond block, gold block, redstone block, podzol, chiseled quartz, bricks, walls(cobblestone, cobbled deepslate, mossy cobblestone ), nether bricks, red nether bricks, grass block, dirt path, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, mud bricks, bell, copper grate
Ghast, gold items, all weapons and tools, slime, string
Support for 1.21 Tricky Trials update and new textures. Revised description.txt and added English on txt files.
1.21 blocks, items and entities(copper bulbs, copper doors, copper trapdoors, copper grates, chiseled coppers, polished tuff bricks, tuff bricks, trial spawners, vaults, heavy core, crafter, keys, breeze rod, wind charge, mace, bogged, breeze) dirt pass, bone, doubled slabs (stone bricks), spawner
blaze rod, fire charge, honeycomb, egg, magma cream, ender pearl, ender eye, blaze powder, leather, rabbit hide, totem of undying, snow ball
grass color, deepslate tiles, glass, all stained glass, frog lights, shroom light, bricks, sea lantern
grass, all flowers, blaze, ender man, cracked stone bricks,cracked deepslate bricks, lantern, soul lantern, crafting table, chests, ladder
skeltons, husk, diamond, slime ball, flint, nether quartz
Many changes of blocks. Added some items and blocks.
some double slabs, dripstone, all crops, water_melon, berries, hay_block, some polished_stones, cave_vines, basalt blocks
all seeds, lapis_lazuli, pumpkin_pie, all dye, cake, feather, string, chain shulker_shell, cookie, redstone, glowstone_dust, gunpowder, grow_berries, bone_meal, sugar, sugar_cane
exposed_copper, weathered_copper, end_stone, mushroomes, podzol, calcite, diamond, sand, sandstones, red_sandstones, andesite, diorite, granite, soulsand, blackstone, prismarine, prismarine_bricks, dark_prismarine, nether_wart_blocks, purpur, redstone_lamp, all warped and crimson blocks
nether_wart, diamond
packed_mud, some doors and trapdoors, emerald, netherrack, end_stone, ores, deepslate, deepslate_bricks, susupecius_sand and gravel, bamboo_mosaic, all beds, logs(oak, spruce, dark_oak), red_nether_bricks, shulker, fences(nether_bricks, warped, crimson), pumpkin, jack_o_lantern, furnace, smoker, mossy_bricks, chiseled_stone_bricks, all signs, quartz_block, some_glass
netherite_axe, bone